以下、Wikipedia 英語版の簡単な和訳です。
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are a class of multi-component alloys composed of 5 or more principal constituent elements each with a concentration between 5 and 35 atomic %.[1].
ハイエントロピー合金は、5元系あるいはそれよりも多成分系からなり、かつそれぞれの構成元素の組成が5~35 at.%となる合金の一つである [1]。
The defining feature of HEAs over other complex alloys is that they consist entirely or primarily of a simple solid solution phase, thus having a high entropy of mixing.
HEAs have been described in the literature that have better strength-to-weight ratios, fracture toughness, tensile strength, high-temperature strength, thermal stability,[3] or corrosion resistance than similar conventional alloys.[1][4]
ハイエントロピー合金は、一般的な合金と比べ、高い比強度、破壊靭性、高温強度、熱的安定性 [3]、耐食性などを示す[1][4]。
Although HEAs were described as early as 1996,[5] significant research interest did not develop until after independent 2004 papers by Jien-Wei Yeh and Brian Cantor, with Yeh's first paper on the topic published 2 months sooner.
ハイエントロピー合金の概念については1996年以前に提出されていたが [5]、Jien-Wei Yeh教授 と Brian Cantor教授によって2004年にそれぞれ独立に提出された論文以前には大きな関心を集めてこなかった。
Yeh also coined the term "high-entropy alloy" when he attributed the high configurational entropy as the mechanism stabilizing the solid solution phase.[6]
Yeh教授は、さらに、固溶体を安定化するメカニズムとして高い配置のエントロピーが寄与する"high-entropy alloy"という言葉をつくりだした。[6]
Cantor, not knowing of Yeh's work, did not describe his alloy as a "high-entropy alloy", but the base alloy he developed, equiatomic FeCrMnNiCo, has been the subject of considerable work in the field.[7]
Cantor教授は、Yeh教授の研究を知らず、Yeh教授の合金を"high-entropy alloy"とは呼ばなかった。しかし、Cantor教授が開発した等原子組成 FeCrMnNiCo合金は、この分野における極めて重要な研究であった。[7]
Before the classification of high entropy alloys and multi-component systems, nuclear science had highlighted a system that can now be classified a high entropy alloy: within nuclear fuels Mo-Pd-Rh-Ru-Tc particles form at grain boundaries and at fission gas bubbles.[8]
Understanding the behavior of these '5 metal particles' was of specific interest to the medical industry as Tc-99m is an important medical imaging isotope.
'5 金属粒子'の挙動を理解することは、医療用イメージングアイソトープとして重要であるTc-99mとして医療の分野では重要であった。
There is no universally agreed-upon definition of a HEA.
Yeh originally defined HEAs as alloys containing at least 5 elements with concentrations between 5 and 35 atomic percent.[6]
Later research however, suggested that this definition could be expanded.
Otto et al. suggested that only alloys that form a solid solution with no intermetallic phases should be considered true high-entropy alloys, as the formation of ordered phases decreases the entropy of the system.[9]
Some authors have described 4-component alloys as high-entropy alloys [10], while others have suggested that alloys meeting the other requirements of HEAs, but with only 2~4 elements[11] or a mixing entropy between R and 1.5R[12] should be considered "medium-entropy" alloys.[13]
In conventional alloy design, one primary element such as iron, copper, or aluminum is chosen for its properties.
Then, small amounts of additional elements are added to improve or add properties.
Even among binary alloy systems, there are few common cases of both elements being used in nearly-equal proportions such as Pb-Sn solders.
Therefore, much is known from experimental results about phases near the edges of binary phase diagrams and the corners of ternary phase diagrams and much less is known about phases near the centers.
In higher-order (4+ components) systems that cannot be easily represented on a 2-dimensional phase diagram, virtually nothing is known. [7]