業績-accepted の履歴差分(No.74)


*''Book'' [#j7cda417]

*''Paper (reviewed journal)'' [#fce425ac]
+H.Y. Yasuda, Y. Yamada, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', K. Cho, '''''Materials Science and Engineering A''''', accepted., "Deformation behavior of HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy single crystals and polycrystals", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.140983
+H.Y. Yasuda, Y. Yamada, K. Cho, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', '''''Materials Science and Engineering A''''', accepted., "Deformation behavior of HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy single crystals and polycrystals", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.140983

*''Review paper'' [#y728a3ec]

*''Proceeding (referee reading) '' [#pba0d943]

*''Proceeding (No referee reading)'' [#ra5a26b2]

*''Reports'' [#u58c0066]
+''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 寺山朗, 長岡孝, 府山伸行, 阪本辰顕, '''''日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部会報誌・こしき''''', (2020) accepted, "「Al-Mg-Li-Ca系軽量ミディアムエントロピー合金の合金設計と鋳造材の作製」について"~, http://jfs.or.jp/jfs-cs/

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