Network tele-micrsocopy の履歴の現在との差分(No.1)

*Network telemicroscopy [#f4cfc3f4]

''REFERENCES (Review paper)''~
+ ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 西竜治, 市川聡, '''''材料''''', accepted., "Network tele-microscopyによる金属ガラスの微細組織観察",

''REFERENCES (Proceeding)''~
+ ''%%%T. Sanuki%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa, '''''Kenbikyo''''', 57, Suppl.2, 91 (2022)., "Network Tele-Microscopy Observation in Nano-Scale BCC-Fe Dendrites Using the Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope",
+ ''%%%K. Sato%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', T. Maruyama, R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa, '''''Kenbikyo''''', 57, Suppl.2, 92 (2022)., "Network Tele-Microscopy Observation in Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons Using the Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope",
+ ''%%%K. Yamamoto%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', A. Yamaguchi, A. Takeuchi, Y. Yanagitani, T. Yamasaki, T. Imaki, R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa, '''''Kenbikyo''''', 57, Suppl.2, 93 (2022)., "Network Tele-Microscopy Observation in Ti-Mg Immiscible Alloy Bulk Specimens Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing - Infiltration Technique Using the Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope",
+ ''%%%T. Tatematsu%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa, '''''Kenbikyo''''', 57, Suppl.2, 94 (2022)., "Network Tele-Microscopy Observation in the Development of Chemical Ordering in High Entropy Alloys Using the Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope",

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