- 追加された行はこの色です。
- 削除された行はこの色です。
*Shimane Prefecture - Matsue city - Tamayu town [#bc3a456d]
+%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%, 松江市報, 1月号 (2019)., "松江の皆さんこんにちは", http://www.city.matsue.shimane.jp/jumin/shisei/kouhou/shihou_matsue/3101/sub/minasan.htm
+%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%, 近畿松江会会報「松江だんだん」, 11, 19 (2018)., "玉造温泉街の思い出", http://www.kinki-matsuekai.jp/kaiho/kaiho-11.pdf
-''Where is Matsue-Tamayu ?''
-''Tamatsukuri-Onsen (Tamatsukuri Hot Spring)''~
"[[Tamatsukuri-Onsen>http://www.tama-onsen.jp/]]" is very famous as the special hot spring because of long history-Japanese traditional hot spring and a positive effect. "Tamatsukuri-Onsen" is called "Hot spring of God" in japan. "Tamatsukuri-Onsen" was found by "Sukunahikona-no-mikoto" in Nara Period (AD 710 to 794), and has a long history. Tamatsukuri-Onsen was described in "Izumo-Fudoki" ("Fudoki" is ancient official records of the culture and geography of provinces of Japan., AD 733). The following description was written in "Izumo-Fudoki" about "Tamatsukuri-Onsen"; Your skin is smooth if you have once a bath, and you recover from all sorts of illnesses if you have a bath again.~
--[[Shimane Prefacture>http://www.pref.shimane.lg.jp/]]
--[[Shimane Prefecture - Matsue city >http://www.city.matsue.shimane.jp/]]
--[[Shimane Prefecture - Matsue city - Tamayu town (Tamatsukuri-Onsen)>http://www.tama-onsen.jp/]]
--[[Tamayu Elementary School>http://www.tama-onsen.jp/]]
--[[Tamayu Junior High School>http://www.city.matsue.ed.jp/tamayu-j/]]
--[[Matsue-minami High School>http://www.city.matsue.ed.jp/tamayu-j/]]