Publications-2004 の変更点

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*''Book'' [#s76e0994]

*''Paper (reviewed journal)'' [#y05108a3]
+''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', Y. Umakoshi, '''''Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater.''''', 5, 57-67 (2004)., "Electron irradiation induced crystallization behavior of the amorphous phase in Zr65.0Al7.5Ni10.0Cu17.5 metallic glass",
+''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', Y. Umakoshi, '''''Mater. Trans.''''', 45, 13-23 (2004)., "Electron irradiation induced crystallization of the amorphous phase in Zr-Cu based metallic glasses with various thermal stability",

*''Review paper'' [#d83b1ee2]

*''Proceeding (referee reading) '' [#mbaabfba]

*''Proceeding (No referee reading)'' [#mc33343e]

*''Reports'' [#bd563167]
+''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 中野貴由, 安田弘行, 萩原幸司, 馬越佑吉, '''''大阪大学先導的研究オープンセンター 平成15年度年報''''', 44-47 (2004). 10月., "電子線照射誘起相変態を利用したナノ結晶・金属ガラス合金の創製" 
+馬越佑吉, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', '''''第48回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会 概要集''''', 201-202 (2004). 10月., "金属ガラスの電子線照射誘起結晶化とナノ組織制御"
+''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 中村充男, 馬越佑吉, '''''大阪大学イノベーションセミナー2004 概要集''''', 53-54 (2004). 10月., "Zr-Al-Ni基金属ガラスにおける合金における粘弾性挙動と結晶化挙動"
+馬越佑吉, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', '''''21世紀COEプログラム「構造・機能先進材料デザイン研究拠点の形成」平成15年度成果報告書''''', 3-4 (2004). 3月., "金属ガラスの相安定性と電子線照射によるナノ組織制御ならびに生体材料用細線の製造"
+''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 馬越佑吉, '''''21世紀COEプログラム「構造・機能先進材料デザイン研究拠点の形成」平成15年度成果報告書''''', 113-114 (2004). 3月., "Zr-Cu基金属ガラスにおける電子線照射誘起ナノ結晶化挙動支配因子の解明"

*''Invited talk (international Conference)'' [#g4e46c36]

*''Invited talk (Domestic Conference)'' [#xec0e9a8]

*''International conference'' [#gb23fee4]
+T. Inamura, Y. Takahashi, H. Hosoda, K. Wakashima, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', T. Nakano, Y. Umakoshi, S. Miyazaki, ''MRS Fall Meeting 2004'', Boston, S.3.2, Nov. 29, (2004), "Transformation behavior of TiNiPt thin films fabricated using melt spinning technique" 
+''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', M. Nakamura, Y. Umakoshi, ''Int. Conf. of 21COE for Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design'', Osaka, pp. 40, Nov. 11, (2004)., "Superplastic deformation and thermal crystallization behavior of supercooled liquid in Zr-Ni based metallic glass"
+A. Nino, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', Y. Umakoshi, ''Int. Conf. of 21COE for Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design'', Osaka, pp. 69, Nov. 11, (2004)., "Effect of electron irradiation on nano-crystallization of Fe-Nd-B amorphous alloys"
+''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', Y. Umakoshi, ''11th Int. Symp. on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM2004)'', Sendai, pp. 156, August 26, (2004), "Electron irradiation induced amorphization and crystallization in Zr66.7Cu33.3 metallic glass"
+Y. Umakoshi, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', ''11th Int. Symp. on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM2004)'', Sendai, pp. 50, August 25, (2004)., "Phase Transformation and Microstructure Change in Fe-Zr-B Amorphous Alloys by Thermal Annealing and Electron Irradiation"

*''Domestic conference'' [#aa80bf71]
+中村充男, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 馬越佑吉, ''第135回日本金属学会講演概要集'', 秋田, pp. 318, (2004), 11月30日., "Zr基金属ガラス合金の結晶化挙動におよぼす粘性流動の影響" 
+仁野章弘, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 馬越佑吉, ''第135回日本金属学会講演概要集'', 秋田, pp. 314, (2004). 11月29日., "電子線照射によるFe-Nd-B系アモルファス合金のナノ組織制御"
+中村充男, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 馬越佑吉, ''第134回日本金属学会講演概要集'', 東京, pp. 354, (2004). 3月30日., "Zr60.0Al15.0Ni25.0金属ガラス合金における過冷却液体域の粘性流動と結晶化の関係"
+''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 馬越佑吉, ''第134回日本金属学会講演概要集'', 東京, pp. 354, (2004). 3月30日., "Fe81.0Zr9.0B10.0金属ガラス合金における電子線照射誘起結晶化"

*''Paper cover'' [#r6e71284]
+Paper Cover, ''Materials Transactions'', Vol. 45, No. 1, (2004).

*''Press reporting'' [#b8dcc3c9]

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