Publications-2013 の履歴(No.2)



  1. T. Nagase, Progress in Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design, Advanced materials design by irradiation of high energy particles, Ed., T. Kakeshita, Springer, 2013. pp. 137-153., ISBN 978-4-431-54063-2,

Paper (reviewed journal)

  1. S. Anada, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 579, 646-653 (2013)., "Electron-irradiation-induced phase transition in Cr2M (M = Ti and Al) intermetallic compounds",
  2. S. Anada, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 581, 324-329 (2013)., "Solid-state amorphization in Ti2Pd intermetallic compounds under fast-electron irradiation",
  3. A. Van der Ven, B. Puchala, T. Nagase, J. of Power Sources 242, 400-404 (2013)., "Ti- and Zr-based metal-air batteries",
  4. T. Nagase, S. Anada, P. D. Rack, J. H. Noh, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, T. Egami, Intermetallics, 38, 70-79 (2013)., "MeV electron-irradiation-induced structural change in the bcc phase of Zr-Hf-Nb alloy with an approximately equiatomic ratio",
  5. 永瀬丈嗣, 佐々木淳志, 滝澤和也, 安田弘行, 寺井智之, 福田隆, 掛下知行, 譯田真人, 渋谷陽二, 保田英洋, 森博太郎, 材料, 62 185-190, (2013)., "B2化合物の電子照射誘起固相アモルファス化現象", (T. Nagase, A. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, H. Y. Yasuda, T. Terai, T. Fukuda, T. Kakeshita, M. Wakeda, Y. Shibutani, H. Yasuda, and H. Mori, J. of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 62, 185-190, (2013)., "MeV Electron irradiation induced Solid-State Amorphization (SSA) in B2 intermetallic compounds"),

Review paper

  1. T. Nagase, S. Anada, P.D. Rack, J.H. Noh, T. Egami, A. Van der ven, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, 日本学術振興会合金状態図第172委員会研究報告書. Vol. 13, pp. 15-20 (2013). "Phase stability of High Entropy Alloys against the irradiation",

Proceeding (referee reading)

Proceeding (No referee reading)


Invited talk(international Conference)

  1. T. Nagase, W. Qin, A. Nino, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, Y. Umakoshi and Jerzy A. Szpunar, Amorphous and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials 2013 (ANMM2013), Sendai, Japan, October 1-3 (2013), "Pinpoint nano-crystallization in Fe-based metallic glasses by MeV electron irradiation using High Voltage Electron Microscope",
  2. T. Nagase, Y. Umakoshi, International Conference on Precessing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials 2013 (Thermec 2013), Las Vegas, U.S., December 2-6 (2013), "Preparation of macroscopically phase separated melt-spun ribbon",

Invited talk(Domestic Conference)

International conference

  1. F. Li, H. Abe, T. Ishizaki, Y. Li,T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda, MRS Fall Meeting 2013, Boston, MA, U.S., (2013). December,1-6, EE7.07, "Irradiation Stability of Oxide Particles in 9Cr and 12Cr ODS Steels",
  2. S. Anada, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, MRS Fall Meeting 2013, Boston, MA, U.S., (2013). December,1-6, II5.10, "A crystalline-to-amorphous-to-crystalline (C-A-C) transition in Cr2Ti intermetallic compound",
  3. F. Li, H. Abe, T. Ishizaki, Y.F. Li, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda, The 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, U.S., (2013). October 20-26, p 16-203., "STABILITY OF OXIDE PARTICLES UNDER IRRADIATION IN ODS STEELS AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE",
  4. T. Nagase, A. Sasaki, H. Y. Yasuda, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, T. Terai, T. Fukuda, T. Kakeshita, The 1st East-Asia Microscopy Conference (EAMC-1), Chongqing, China, (2013) October 15-18., "Relationship between Martensite Phase Transition and Crystal-to-Glass Transition in Ti-Ni-Fe alloy",
  5. K. Kobayashi, S. Anada, T. Nagase, T. Saito, M. Kiyomiya, I. Wakamori, R. Kitaura, H. Shinohara, H. yasuda, NT'13: 14th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotube, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, (2013) June 24-28, P25, "One-step synthesis of NbC nanowire within inner space of carbon nanotubes by template method",

Domestic conference

  1. T. Nagase, S. Anada, J.H. Noh, P.D. Rack, T. Egami, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, 日本金属学会2014年春期講演(第154回)大会, 422, 2014年03月21-23日, 東京, "Irradiation induced structural change in CoCrCuFeNi High Entropy (HE) Material",
  2. 永瀬丈嗣, 小林慶太, 保田英洋, 森博太郎, 第57回材料工学連合講演会, OS-9-328, page 263-264, 2013年11月26日, 京都, "Fe系金属ガラス中に分散した球状結晶の微細組織観察",
  3. 小林慶太, 永瀬丈嗣, 保田英洋, 穴田智史, 斎藤毅, 清宮維春, 北浦良, 王青, 若森育也, 篠原久典, 日本金属学会2013年秋期講演(第153回)大会, S1-22, 2013年09月17-19日, 金沢, "改良鋳型法によるカーボンナノチューブ内部への炭化ニオブナノワイヤーの形成",
  4. 穴田智史,永瀬丈嗣,保田英洋,森博太郎, 日本金属学会2013年秋期講演(第153回)大会, S1-22, 2013年09月17-19日, 金沢, "Ti2Pd金属間化合物におけるMeV電子照射誘起固相アモルファス化",
  5. 永瀬丈嗣,穴田智史,保田英洋,森博太郎, 日本金属学会2013年秋期講演(第153回)大会, S1-22, 2013年09月17-19日, 金沢, "自発的アモルファス化 (Spontaneous Vitrification) の実験的検証 その2",
  6. 阿部弘亨, 石嵜貴大, 叶野翔, 李鋒, 谷川博康, 濱口大, 橋本直幸, 永瀬丈嗣, 保田英洋, 日本原子力学会・2013年秋の大会, 2013年09月03-05日, 八戸., "低放射化フェライト鋼中の MX 析出物の強度影響と照射下安定性に関する研究;(2)鉄中 TaC 析出物の高温電子照射下安定性",

Paper cover

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